ICTeSSH Program
This is the ICTeSSH 2021 conference program. All times are in Central European Summer Time (CEST = UTC/GMT + 2)
In order to join us you have to register by following instructions at https://ictessh.uns.ac.rs/register
The detailed program is available at this link
- Day 1 28 June 2021
- Day 2 29 June 2021
- Day 3 30 June 2021
- The conference online tool
The proposed workshop will have the following main objectives:
- To engage SSH end-user communities present at ICTeSSH in the SSHOC Vocabulary Initiative, to collect their input and feedback on managing vocabularies, and vocabularies as FAIR semantic entities.
- To raise awareness with the SSH research community present at ICTeSSH on finding, understanding and reusing vocabularies via the SSH Open Marketplace.
More details about the workshop can be found at https://ictessh.uns.ac.rs/sshoc
The conference opening ceremony
Two papers should be presented in this session (15 minutes per presentation)
Dalianus Riantama, An-Lun Tsai and Shan-Fong Lin. Evaluating airline passengers’ satisfaction during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A text mining approach
Sharon Teitler Regev, Shlomit Hon Snir and Anabel Lifszyc-Friedlander. Which Accommodation Purchasing Channels is preferred by the Independent Tourists?
Three papers will be presented in this session (15 minutes per presentation)
Loet Leydesdorff, Alexander Tekles and Lutz Bornmann. A Proposal to Revise and Simplify the Disruption Indicator
Jonathan Adams, Responsible research evaluation: profiles not metrics
Danica Zendulková, Boris Rysuľa and Andrea Putalová. Position of social sciences and humanities within the scientific disciplines and its measurement through CRIS system
Three papers will be presented in this session (15 minutes each)
Ian Miller and Thomas Fenn. Building, Processing, and Sharing 3D Photogrammetric Data: An Archaeological Viewpoint
Melissa Terras, Why does the GLAM sector work with Google Arts and Culture? Results of a Survey
Chammy Lau, Helen Wong and Pamela Ho. Transforming cultural tourism experience into a digital space: a case study of virtual museums in Asia
Two papers will be presented at this session (15 minutes each)
Peter Aspeslagh, Tim Engels and Raf Guns. The road towards structured affiliation information in a national bibliographic database
Mat Kelly, Christopher Rauch, Jane Greenberg, John Kunze, Sam Grabus, Joan Boone and Peter Logan. Archival Resource Keys for Collaborative Historical Ontology Publication
Understanding the development of a research field is challenging but critical for a wide variety of professions and stakeholders. While one may find philosophical, sociological, historical accounts of the evolution of a field of research and interdisciplinary dynamics, delineating and communicating the state of the art of a research field remains to be one of the major bottlenecks in problem-solving and decision-making processes. In this talk, I will introduce how relevant theories from social sciences can be utilized in the design and application of an interactive visual analytic tool, CiteSpace, for computational and explanatory studies of research. I will demonstrate the theoretical and practical values of the types of visual analytic processes by presenting the findings of a few exemplar case studies.
This paper reviews various new approaches to assessing personality. These were divided into five areas: Big data; Wearable technology, Gamification, Video-Resumes and Automated Personality Testing. These were briefly described and the evidence for their psychometric properties considered. At this stage there is more absence of evidence, than evidence of absence, for their validity. There is limited research on these methods which may offer new and improved ways of assessing personality.
- The conference online tool
There is no doubt that we live in a world in which more and more data becomes available, almost on a daily basis. It’s becoming increasingly important to be able to make sense of it and be able to communicate findings in a compelling and coherent way.
In this workshop we’ll use the free COVID-19 Dimensions dataset hosted on Google BigQuery and create analyses using basic SQL queries and look at what the world of COVID research looks like beyond scientific publications. We’d also look for early indicators and trends using the various categorizations options that exist in Dimensions.
The workshop will include exercises for the participants and depending on the number of attendees they could be solved individually or in groups.
Technical requirements – Google account
- Cristina Huidiu: Product Specialist, Digital Science
- Alexander Kujath: Senior Product Manager, Digital Science
Three papers will be presented in this session (15 minutes each)
Kayoko Yamamoto. Utilization of Social Media at the Times of Natural Disasters in Japan
Dickson Ajisafe, Samuel Oloruntoba and Tinuade Adekunbi Ojo. The Impacts of Social Media on Nigerian Youth #EndSARS# Protests
Julia Kasmire and Anran Zhao. Discovering the arrow of time in machine learning
Three papers will be presented (15 minutes each)
Tommi Suominen, Joonas Nikkanen, Tuomas Alaterä and Toni Sissala. Linking SSH research publications, datasets and infrastructures in Research.fi
Dennis Gram, Pantelis Karapanagiotis, Jan Kryzanowski, Marius Liebald and Uwe Walz. A Model for Historical Financial Data with an Application to German company and stock market data
Aakash Sharma, Thomas Bye Nilsen, Lars Brenna, Dag Johansen and Håvard D. Johansen. Accountable Human Subject Research Data Processing using Lohpi
It is no longer news that advancement in technology has changed and is still changing the library landscape across the globe. Today, advanced technologies especially those ushered in by the Fourth Industrial Revolution such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, robotic technology, cloud computing, big data, internet of things, IoT, virtual and augmented reality, and others have all changed the way libraries operate. Traditional library tasks such as cataloging, circulation, and collection development, which were performed manually a few decades ago, have now been automated to a greater extent. The way user services are being rendered has also changed compared to what obtained in the past. These changes seem to be more pronounced in developed nations such as the US, UK, Australia, and some other countries in Europe. In those nations, the changes seem to be prominent, well pronounced, and adequately communicated in form of research reports. However, much of the transformation taking place in Africa librarianship seem not to be well known and communicated to the outside world. Examining the transformation taking place in the African Library landscape brought by advanced technology is considered to be of interest to the outside world. In light of this, this presentation seeks to take a glimpse into what is happening in African librarianship by way of examining the changes that have taken place, the changes that are currently taking place, and then project into the likelihood of the changes that will occur in the future. The presentation will discuss the technology that libraries in Africa have used in the past, the ones currently being used, and the ones that will dominate the scene in times to come. The presentation will also delve into the past by looking at the way library services were rendered, the technologies used, and compare to the present to be able to project into the future. Based on the findings of the study, recommendations will be made on how libraries in African can adequately compete and match up with their counterpart in the developed nations.
Each sponsor will have a time slot for presentation of its products and platforms.
02:30pm | Digital Science |
02:50pm | LIBNOVA |
03:00pm | MDPI |
03:10pm | Science 2.0 Alliance |
03:20pm | SAGE OCEAN |
- Quiz with 500 euros prize for a winner
- Everyone can participate, and there can be only one winner
- Questions are related to the sponsors’ session presentations
- Your email will be used as identifier
- There will be 10 multiple choices questions
- Be quick and accurate
- Don’t forget to press submit button at the end
- Link to the quiz will be posted in the chat box of the Zoom webinar
- The conference online tool
Six papers will be presented in this session (7 minutes per presentation)
Botond Szemes. The History of the Hungarian Novel. Analyzing the Average Sentence Length and Sentence Structure over two decades
Marzio Di Feo and Luigi Martino. Enhancing National (Cyber) Security through Cyber Range: The Case study of Italy and BV TECH
Lucia Antonelli. Government libraries and official publications management: all we need is a repository model
Rossana Morriello. How bibliometrics is affecting SSH
Four papers will be presented in this session (10 minutes per presentation)
Isabel Tarling. Integrating Emerging Technologies to improve evaluation and analysis of data during design-based research
Halimah Amuda, Yusuf Ajani and Adeyinka Tella. Optimizing Zoom Application for Virtual Research Presentation: Awareness and Experience of Researchers in Nigeria Library Schools
Two papers will be presented
Gonçalo Melo da Silva , Ana Celeste Glória,, Ângela Salgueiro, Bruno Almeida, Daniel Monteiro, Marco Roque de Freitas, and Nuno Freire, ROSSIO Infrastructure: a digital research tool for Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities
Paul Walk, SComCat: Cataloguing open-source scholarly communication technologies
- Introduction by moderator and introducing panelists
- 10 minutes
- What effect has the development of information communication technologies and especially the Internet made on the change in scholarly outcomes types and communication patterns in the last couple of decades?
- 15 minutes
- What is the biggest barrier for adoption of some Web 2.0 based research impact metrics at the moment? How can those barriers be removed? Who should do the first step?
- 15 minutes
- What do you predict will happen in the next 5 to 10 years in the field of research impact metrics and studies?
- 15 minutes
- Conclusion
- 5 minutes
In data intensive science multi-step tool-chains are widely used to help scientists manage, analyze, and share increasing volumes of complex data. The use of computational workflows to manage these multi-step computational processes has accelerated in the past few years driven by the need for scalable data processing, the exchange of processing know-how, and the desire for more reproducible (or at least transparent) and quality assured processing methods. The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has significantly highlighted the value of workflows.
This increased interest in workflows has been matched by the number of workflow management systems available to scientists (over 280) and the number of workflow services like registries and monitors. There is also recognition that workflows are first class, publishable Research Objects just as data are. They deserve their own FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles and services that cater for their dual roles as explicit method description and software method execution.
But what is a workflow? How are they used? Where can I find workflows? How do I publish them? What is a “FAIR” workflow? What are the current challenges? Who are these workflow designers and where can I find one?
This keynote has two main themes. The first is to show what, why and how workflows are used, and what “FAIR” workflows might be, mainly drawing from the worlds of Life Science and Biodiversity but hopefully showing how the Social Science and Humanities community can benefit. The second is to explore the “who” – the social aspects of workflows as shared and sometimes co-developed method and how standards, workflow management systems and in particular the WorkflowHub.eu registry have been built and operate as open, community driven activities.
scite is an award-winning platform for discovering and evaluating scientific articles via Smart Citations. Smart Citations allows users to see how a scientific paper has been cited by providing the context of the citation and a classification describing whether it provides supporting or disputing evidence for the cited claim. In this workshop, attendees will learn how to use scite to take advantage of Smart Citations while reading, writing, and reviewing scientific articles.
Expected learning outcomes include developing familiarity with:
● scite smart citations and scite extension to evaluate research
● scite search for highly supported research
● scite dashboards to collect and keep track of research
● scite reference checks to check the quality of your references
● scite notifications to get notified when new citations are received
Expected Trainees: This session is intended for anyone interested in research, including undergraduate students, graduate students, postdocs, professors, librarians, and journalists. The expected number of participants should be in the range of 40-100 attendees.